Amreen Ahmed
Presently working on adolescent’s issues and trying to inspire and work with adolescents for taking them through a journey of Me to We. Under this journey we are majorly working on the three themes i.e. self, relationship & society through various workshops, events, social campaigns, community exposures and internship.
Since 2011 till now She has worked as lead facilitator as follows:
- 2012 – community exposure in Jawaharnagar slum area, visits to organization named as faith, tabar and help in suffering.
- Smile Internship orientation camp in Manthan and feedback camp in delhi
- Group exposure at Narmada BachaoAndolan in 2012
- 2013 – Smile internship orientation camp in Manthan and GVNML and feedback Camp in Delhi
- Co lead field trainings in MP under a project for Poor Area civil society (PACS) with field trainers working on the issue of exclusion.
- Lead PravahChangeloomsChangemakers fellowship as project coordinator in Jaipur in 2017.
- Lead 3-year project MLMF in Pravah with adolescent’s girls on the issue of Srhr, gender, ECM and lifeskills in government school. The project was supported by American Jewish Welfare Service
- Since 2017 training adolescents every year aslifeskill faculty in Summer camp organized by Department of lifelong learning , University of Rajasthan.
- Lead GargiManchUnicef Project in 2018 through conducting a study in dungarpur and barmer districts and provided recommendation to education department and Unicef to strengthen the GargiManch forum in schools
She have been awarded as KutchinaKrittika Fellow in 2018 for her work with adolescents on issues like SRHR, Gender, Identity, Decision making.
She is awarded with VivekanandGauravSamaan, Rajasthan in 2020 for working with adolescent on the issue of SRHR, ECM and gender through building lifeskills. This award was presented by YuwaSanskriti organization.
Currently she is active member of Women Forum Jaipur.
In last 5 years, She is managed to work with 500 adolescents through our Program called – Meri Life Mere Faisley . Through this program our efforts was to create the transformative journeys for adolescents to address issues of Early and Child Marriage, Gender and SRHR. Out of these 500 adolescents, 50 adolescents were further capacitated as Grassroot champions and done action projects in the community. As a result of this project, Girls of communities has started negotiating about the important decisions of their lives – especially around their age of marriage.To take their learning further, last year, with the My Life Mere Faisle Campaign, weattempted to break and, eventually, change the narrative that doubts youth’s/adolescent’s ability to make responsible decisions. It wishes to bring forth the stories of collective decision making by youth and their caring adults, where, both the agency of the young person and the experiences of the adults are respected.