Kutchina Foundation

Kutchina Foundation, founded by Namit Bajoria, came into being out of concern for the need to care for the marginalised. That is why KF uses the tagline “Because We Care”. Mr Bajoria, supported by a team of professionals, spearheads the activities of KF.

Though formed in 2007, the philanthropic activities of Founder-Director, Namit Bajoria, goes back to early 2000. Among earlier projects supported were Anandaghar, Atmaja and Apanjan that focused on AIDS-afflicted poor children and women.

While care and concern for the disadvantaged is at the very core of KF, understanding gained from years of experience in philanthropy confirms the fact that sentiments and inspiration alone is not enough. Accountability and impact analysis ensure meaningful contributions. KF welfare projects are based on means that are:

• Technically Feasible
• Financially Viable
• Ecologically Sustainable
• Culturally Acceptable

Kutchina Foundation aspires to support the disadvantaged girl child and women; create a network of empowered and talented women activists and workers who would be force multipliers in espousing and furthering the cause of girl child and women in India. KF envisions a vibrant philanthropic culture that inspires individuals to give and serve.

kfb - Katholische Frauenbewegung Österreichs/ Aktion Familienfasttag

KFB believe in the dignity of every human being, the right to religious freedom and freedom, to a good life for all in peace and mutual respect unites us.

Misanthropy, hatred and terrorism dominate the news. A climate of fear, defense and aggression represents the values in question are for democratic societies. People increasingly lack confidence in policies and institutions. They doubt that a coexistence of different social forces is possible to live in peace and justice. People incite hatred and incite against others like to show the demonstrations of the Alliance “Pegida”.

But a democratic Europe thrives on tolerance and confidence in the political configurability of community. Therefore it is important to respect each other, to know each other, talk to each other.


Prantakatha is all about “Power of Storytelling towards social change”! While its one component is development of self, the other component is story or Katha! This has two pronged approaches “youth active citizenship development” and also “creating spaces of youth dialogue on marginalized issues with the mainstream of life”!

The name “Prantakatha” holds both the parts together. The core is Pranta or Margin. The understanding of Margin is as a dynamic position of “Self” which is floating across age and over physical, social, economic, cultural domains! So in a way each one of us has a margin, does not matter whether we are aware of it or not! It could be as a child, as a woman, as a seniour person, could be as one classical music lover in a family of rock music lovers either! It is the “space-inside” where we feel the pain most, excitement and also creation!


Prantakatha is blessed to have been able to identify, nurture and support 20 such young women Social change makers spread mostly in the east and north east states of India working on varied issues that are challenging inequality and in turn curating enabling spaces for many marginalized groups. Prantakatha through another corporate partner has been able to fund and mentor these young women change makers (called Krittika , signifies the star constellation that speaks of feminine power, spirit and energy of positivity) now over last five years.
The most important and felt need of our Krittikas is an enabling space which could help them in the following objectives:

1. Given the diversity of the group, both in terms of geography and thematic there is a huge opportunity of learning from each other’s innovations and also struggles. The need is to curate such a learning space .
2. Given the pool of innovation these group of women social change makers have, there lies great opportunity in inviting funders, resources, media so that the larger world get to know them and that has enormous potential of sustaining these social innovations to curate a consortium
3. The transformative stories embedded in this collective of Krittika have a huge potential of becoming a strength to each other to cross over any future challenges
4. Deeper Bonding and friendship among them will strengthen the inner strength of this collective of women change makers
5. Curating such a collective of young women social change makers will work as a powerhouse for many future , would be women change makers too







